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submit your story/article

Writing Guidelines

Success Studios is looking for short (flash) fiction or leadership articles of up to 1000 words. There’s no such thing as too short — if you can do the job in 50 words, have at it! — but our readers prefer pieces that tell or at least hint at a complete story or meaningful article about your mentoring or coaching journey.  

Real life incidents or fiction stories are acceptable, and stories that don’t fit neatly into any genre are welcome too. While personal experiences and other non-fiction can be great sources of inspiration, please turn them into fiction for us, or send them elsewhere.

Our readership is adult, so children’s stories are unlikely to be accepted unless they are relevant to adults as well. On the other hand, we are not impressed by gratuitous sex and violence, or pointlessly foul language; edgy content should be necessary and appropriate to the plot and characters. Please consider that our readers may be at work or enjoying our stories over a meal, so we tend to avoid explicit erotica and stomach-churning gore.

It ought to go without saying that any story or article submitted to us must be your own unpublished original creation. If you publish a story on a blog, even your own personal blog, or any website accessible to the general public (i.e., if the story  or article can be found and read online without a password or friend status or other limitation), it is considered published and therefore inappropriate for our audience.

Since we do not have the time or resources to manage copyright permissions, please do not send us works with quoted song lyrics. You may use song titles and the names of composers, lyricists, and/or performers, and you may paraphrase or refer to the song lyrics, but we are unable to publish stories with directly quoted song lyrics unless they are in the public domain.

We will not publish stories which feature living public figures as characters, although referencing them (e.g., in terms of a concert/event/sighting) is acceptable. Historical/deceased public figures are acceptable as characters. We do not publish fan fiction and will not publish stories which feature non-original characters, although referencing them (e.g., in a film, as a toy, etc.) is fine, and historical/cultural/legendary characters which are clearly not the property of a single creator (e.g., Santa Claus, King Arthur) are also permissible.

Submission Process

You can submit -

Unfortunately, we do not take simultaneous submissions; please give us 90 days’ exclusive consideration of your story.

This stories if published your profile as a mentor -coach -teacher -storyteller would also be published and you would be given a certificate of recognition. We are not paying our authors at this point in time.

Terms and Agreements

Due to our aggressive publication schedule, we ask you to agree to our contract as part of the submission process:

I hereby grant Success Studios Magazine, First Rights to publish the above story (online and by subscription, including any subscription method/medium available at the time of publication). Exclusivity is only granted to Success Studios, for 30 days from the story’s original publication date.)

I also grant Success Studios, the non-exclusive right to make the above story available in e-book form (including any e-book format available at the time of publication), if the editors so choose, alone and/or anthologized with others, as long as this right is activated within 24 calendar months of the story’s original publication date.

I represent and warrant that I am the sole author of the Work, which is original and not previously published. To the best of my knowledge, it does not infringe any third party’s copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights, does not contain any libellous material, and nor does it violate any third party’s right of privacy or publicity. If I am found to be in wilful breach of any of these representations and warranties, I agree to indemnify Success Studios for any and all costs and expenses resulting from that breach.

I accept and confirm that I am happy to receive recognition as an author, though I am not getting any compensation for the same.

I understand and agree that, after the date of publication, my story will remain accessible online in Success Studios’s archives at the editors’ discretion, unless and until I submit a written request for its removal from the site.

These terms are fairly standard, but we still recommend that you read any contract carefully — and contact us if you feel anything in ours is unclear or you have any questions.

During the submission process, you will be given the option to accept or decline the contract (and there is also an option to indicate that you are a minor needing a parent or guardian’s consent to enter into a contract). If you decline the contract as-is, we may, at our discretion, still consider your story and contact you to discuss what contract terms would need to be altered for you to enter into it, but please be aware that the burden of having to enter into contract negotiations could quite reasonably prejudice us against working with you.

Copyright always remains with the author.

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